paper commander baited me into playing brawl.
im usually playing very casual paper commander with my friends.
a few weeks ago i was looking for a way to play commander with people online. the few options that i could find are spelltable, MTGO and MTGA.
when i downloaded MTGO it was kinda overwhelming since the ui is not that clear and it was lagging on pc for some reason so i gave up MTGO.
i thought about spelltable but i dont really want to find a set up for the phone and connect it to the pc and all that, just wanted to do some online card slinging with strangers.
so i downloaded MTGA after not really playing it for some time, i never really played brawl, either that or i forgot about it being a thing, i remembered only playing standard way back when.
so i acquire some cards to make my deck and go into brawl, and i was surprised with some things that make brawl just, well... not commander.
obviously there is the fact that you are starting with 25 life and matching against 1 other player, which is missing some of the things that make commander fun like politics.
other than that there is the fact that, since you are playing vs 1 other player, you are pretty much making a 100 card, super optimal "standard" deck. playing some matches all i can see is counterspells and removal, not im not saying its bad that removal exists or it shouldnt be played but usually my friends and i dont remove everything the second it plops on the board
last thing was the alchemy cards, i used to play hearthstone when it wasnt god awful and so i thought i would warm up to alchemy cards, but after playing against them for some time i realized this is why i like magic more than HS, its the fact that cards are not throwing up lists of cards on you on every play, but a card i played against that conjured like 9 different cards into my opponent's deck, so while im trying to read what cards are conjured into their deck, they conjure more and more cards and i just end up getting the feeling im playing hearthstone the gathering arena.
ik brawl is not commander and i do not wish for it to be REPLACED with the commander format since im sure some people prefere the short paced format i just wish there was a way to play commander format on MTGA or smtn similar since its very clear and clean, and even tho the way of getting cards is not that fast or easy, i would imagine commander on arena would be a very easy and comfortable way to dive into a game whenever.