Career path help

Hello all

I am seeking advice and/or assistance with a career path that utilizes all of my talents.

Currently I am a senior machinist at a large company. I do enjoy many aspects of the job, just not THIS job. It feels like a dead end and even with two degrees I will never get off the shop floor.

This place had a reputation as being very selective and hired only the best. Now it’s just a bunch of glorified button pushers. It’s easy money with great benefits, but I’m not learning anything.

I graduated with a Bachelor degree in computer science about a year ago. I also have another degree (former PTA) and many years experience in the rehab field. A few certs…project manager, itil, etc, and tons of experience managing people and projects.

Anyhoo, I’m having trouble finding a position that would use all of, or at least more of, my experience and education. I’ve applied to internal positions but I haven’t even gotten to the interview stage despite checking the requirement boxes.

Any advice or insight would be much appreciated.