LPT: Avoid or lessen your hangover tomorrow

I'm sure a lot of you guys plan on getting pretty hammered tonight. That said, here are just a few tips I have learned that prevent/help my hangovers. All these tips have been learned from years of being a degenerate. I'm not a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt. Again, I learned all this from experience.

Stuff to do today/tonight

  • Drink tons of water all day long. Everyone pretty much agrees that hangovers have a lot to do with waking up very dehydrated. So, the general idea is to get more water in. But most people are already pretty dehydrated. So don't just drink water after you are already drunk, or the morning after when you wake up with a headache. Start drinking more water now. Pretty much the more the better. Drink water now, while you are getting drunk tonight, and more tomorrow morning. The key is to get as hydrated as possible before drinking. Seems like common sense, but it may not be to everyone.

  • Eat pretty well all day. Eat a good breakfast, lunch, and pre-drinking meal filled with protein, carbs, and some fat. Also, if you can try taking a multivitamin the day before.

  • Many people find they get less hangovers when they drink clear liquors. Darker liquors and dark wines tend to have more cogeners. Many believe cogeners exacerbate or even cause hangovers. Good quality vodka is a good choice.

  • Just drink a little less. I've found that alcohol levels and amount of fun being had are directly proportional to a point, and inversely after that point. Drink enough to have fun, not spend all night puking/passed out.

Stuff to do tomorrow

  • Sleep in if you can. Duh.

  • When you wake up, if you feel like you need to throw up... just let it out. You'll probably feel better after. After you throw up, or if you didn't need to... try taking Emetrol. It is an OTC anti nausea medication. Take it, wait 15 minutes, then take some Pepto-Bismol. This should take care of your nausea.

  • If your head is pounding, try taking ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin). Tylenol (acetaminaphen/paracetamol) and leftover alcohol probably aren't a good idea to mix. Aspirin may irritate your already torn up stomach even more. So ibuprofen is the best choice.

  • Eat and drink something. The shakes are caused by low blood sugar. Gatorade works pretty well to rehydrate you and get some sugar back in pretty quick. So try that, and maybe some toast or a sandwich if you can. If your stomach feels alright, try another multivitamin.

  • Drink water. Then drink more water. Rinse, repeat.

  • Take a hot shower. Go back to bed.

This routine pretty much always works for me. I usually only have to use it on New Year's Day, but it always works. If any of you other 1 day of the year alcoholics have tips to add, please feel free.