IG Stories Transcript 01-20-25

Good morning, guys, how are you doing?

Um, just folding. Folding laundry and hanging stuff up. I got these shirts sent to me. What do we think? They're like workout shirts, feel like I'm gonna love them or hate them. I don't know. We're gonna find out. I'll try them on eventually.

Um, if I sound sad, it's because some tears have been shed.

Um, I'm just like, I don't know. Like, when you've been pregnant the amount of times that I have been you kinda just know when you are pregnant. And very like, confidently, even with a guarded heart, very confidently, knew that I was pregnant, and I don't think I am...

Um, like, I definitely feel like I was and so there's just some, like, mixed emotions there, because, like, while it wasn't planned, when you've had four kids, you had losses, and you just kind of get to a point, at least I have, where babies are just blessings. So we would have figured it out like no matter what, but you like, as a mom, it only takes you all of like, 10 minutes to re-situate your entire life and essentially, like nest logistically and so I don't know, it just feels like emotional whiplash, pretty much. But weird thing is so Scout, he got out of his bed and came into our bed last night, in the middle of the night, and he started to feed, and I immediately...

I just, like, immediately had horrible, like, horrific cramping. Like miscarriage cramping, like labor cramping. It was very strange. Um, so, I wonder if that has, like, something to do with it, like, maybe the fact that, like, I'm still kind of breastfeeding, I don't know, but what I do know is that I have low testosterone and I have low progesterone, and so I am gonna start actually taking progesterone in like, a cycle way. So I'm gonna, regardless of, like, trying for more kids or not, like, it's just gonna help me in my day to day life, and with, like, PMDD, so I'm gonna start taking it. Was just prescribed to me last night. I'm gonna start taking it for my cycle, next cycle, right after ovulation, up until my... I'm gonna start cycling through my cycle with that.

And so, like, I'm going to show you. So like this this morning was my LH test, which seems to even be getting lighter now and then, this was my [pregnancy] test this morning.

So there's just, like, really nothing. There nothing progressing. So, yeah, I don't know.

I had a good cry, and I feel like I've been thinking to myself, like, Okay, why did this happen? Right? Like, what, what positivity came out of this, right? It honestly kind of lit a fire under my butt to start. Like, stop dilly dallying with my health, you know? And really, so I feel like there's like, there's something that I haven't really been like saying, right? And so I'm just gonna share, because I I actually came across this morning of somebody sharing their story, and the feeling that I felt just like, feeling like I had a lifeline to check in with and kind of like take his tips and tricks. Gave me that feeling that I used to have when I would see like other moms sharing like their motherhood, right? And so I don't know if I'm being led to do this or whatnot, but I just feel like the time is right. So for like, a good four years I've been on 50 milligrams of Zoloft, and it has completely changed my life and has helped me through the hardest things that I have ever gone through as an individual. But I'm at the point now where it's causing some scary side effects I...

And as holistic and crunchy as I am, I will try essentially every other thing before trying, like medication, it has been a lifeline for me by itself, and if I felt like it wasn't doing damage to my body. Now, after four years, I would stay on it, no problem. But for me, I'm starting to notice certain things that all lead back to Zoloft, and I've tried to wean off of it in the past, and it has had some scary things occur, like heart palpitations.

Pretty much every time that I have landed in the ER with a panic attack or heart palpitations, it was when I was slowly under the guidance of a doctor, weaning. And so not only that, I've been having eye issues that are eerily close and similar to glaucoma, which is also something that can happen when you've been on citrulline for a long time. I've also been having issues with my salt intake and my water intake and being dehydrated and having pot symptoms and ebbing and flowing. Back between that being very sensitive, another thing that can be caused by it. And so these symptoms are now becoming more hazardous to my life than the anxiety does or is. And over the years, I've learned a lot of different coping mechanisms. And so when I got that positive test, I'm going to start crying. If I do, I'm really sorry. Crying on the internet in 2025 was not my bingo card. But do we expect anything different?

So when I got that positive pregnancy test, and the ones after it, and my LH was staying right, like risen, and I felt in not in just my gut, like my intuition, but like the symptoms I felt pregnant. I was like, I really don't want to have another pregnancy putting postpartum on this medication. I don't want to wean while I'm pregnant, and that was, like, a huge scare, scary thing for me, also why I've been struggling to wean Scout, because he was literally built in my stomach and has breastfed while I've been on it. And I don't know if he has any type of, you know, if there's any reaction that he'll have weaning and whatnot. And so it's just been something that's been, like, so dark and heavy on my heart that I've just been like, you know, as a mom, you like, you'll do anything for your kids. Like, you'll just do anything for your kids. You'll literally, like, lay down in fire for them so that they can walk, you know, and be safe. And so I just, like, harbored a lot of guilt on the fact that, like, I needed that during that time.

And so it scares me a lot to like wean Scout, because I feel horrible about it to begin with. But then also... I... The feeling of knowing that I would possibly put another baby through that was just like really a hard thing to swallow, and so to circle back, I just kind of feel like, God played like laid it on my heart that it was time. The whole reason that I've been doing carnivore so strictly is because I want to heal my body. I've read so many success stories of people, especially women who've had irregular hormones, go on to carnivore temporarily and be able to, like, regulate their anxiety and their PMDD symptoms. And so I wanted to try to create, like, an environment in my body that could heal. And then while I weaned off of Zoloft really slowly that I would be able to get through it and be okay. And then what I learned this morning from the person that I was talking to you about, like that lifeline, the guy that I found he was doing the same thing is that they make so often oral suspension, which makes it a lot easier to, like, super duper, reduce your dose slowly. And I'm only on 50 milligrams, which is essentially, like the starting dose. And so I'm hoping it goes but anyway, my period is gonna arrive. It says in four days. I feel like it's definitely going to come, if not sooner. I feel like the cramps I've been having like overnight, and then this morning, I just feel like it's I'm gonna start spotting. I just have that gut feeling.

And then I don't know, I'm... I... Today is going to be day three of being on 25 milligrams of Zoloft.

I feel like I've been on 25 milligrams before, and did okay. And so I'm going to go down to that amount. I'm gonna stay there for a while. When my current I have a I get three month prescript, like prescriptions every three months. I get like, 90 days worth. When that is done, then I'm going to ask to switch to oral suspension.

But I'm sure all of you are kind of like, well, does this mean that you want to have another baby? And like, when I tell you that, like, logistically, financially, I like, from a health component, just like a mental, emotional and physical capacity component, like having a fifth child is just like, not in the cards for our family, but having said that, though the one good like, the thing that Dan and I are the best at, is parenting and creating, like, like, a great little life for for our kids, and how blessed and happy we would be with a fifth one.

We would be like, so beyond happy. I mean, like we would be so beyond happy. I would we would just be so ecstatic and like, babies are blessings. Things work themselves out like, you know, but I just don't know if that's something that we're we would, like, actively try for. It was different this time around because we didn't try and like, I don't know if I was pregnant or not. I honestly don't know you got I got a faint light on a test, and then had a few tests that looked like they had faint lines, and then my symptoms started to go away again. So, like, I don't at the end of the day, I don't know, but if I was pregnant, it was different, because it wasn't it felt like it was in God's hands, and it was something that God was blessing us with, and to feel that way, and then to feel like it was taken away again. It's just kind of like a weird feeling, anyway, sitting here and crying and literally emotionally dumping on all of you for the first time in probably, like four or five years. I don't know if that's a testament to me dropping down or if I've just had a rough go the last couple of days. I don't know. I just yeah, that is an update on how I'm doing and what's going through my mind and how I'm feeling, and my voice is all croaky. I don't know if it's because I'm getting sick and that's why I'm emotional, or if I've just been through it the last couple of days and have not gotten great sleep, but I... But... I don't know.

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