How I ended up crying at my Boards practical.
(Long post. Scroll down for TLDR.) Today, I (a nominal student) had my first Boards practical for Class 12 - Chemistry. Let me explain my back story with the chemistry teacher from the school (Let's call him A) first. See, A is kind of aggressive and demands respect (much like an army general). And he doesn't like that I took classes in Allen in the nearby city. A few days ago (during pre-boards), A removed my specs and told me to write the paper without them because I didn't stand up to answer "Chemistry" when he asked what paper is tomorrow. Now, this morning, for the practical, A gave us a very dark purple KMnO4 solution. I couldn't see the reading on the burette. A told us to make the reading on the burette 14.7. I asked for his help and he berated me for not even being able to do something so basic. He also got really angry and told me to keep my voice down (For context, I have a loud voice. I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful.). A didn't even take the trial lab practicals properly. If he had, I would've knew what to do in the lab today.
Now, it was my turn for Viva (Assume everything happened in English, except for the insults ;-; which were in Hindi). I greeted the external (Let's call him B) with a "Good Morning" and say down infront of him with A on the left. B asked me to find the oxidation state of Mn in KMnO4. I took the paper infront of him and solved the question using my pen. The answer came out to be +7. B then asked me if it was the maximum oxidation state of Mn. I said yes and he asked me the reason for it. I said that's because Mn has 7 valence electrons. Then, he asked me what's the element after Mn. I asked if he meant in group or in period. A got angry at me on this and asked me if I knew anything at all. A then asked me the definition of group, period, the number of periods in d-block and the series in which Mn comes. I answered all these questions and then B told me in period. I went over the period quickly and told him Iron. B then asked me to find the maximum oxidation state of Iron. I said 8 (My logic being that there are 8 valence electrons in Iron). B then corrected me and said that the maximum Oxidation state is 6 because there are only 6 unpaired electrons in the valence shell. I said "Sorry, sir. I didn't know.".
B then asked me what chapters I had done in OC. I replied I had studied only till Isomerism. Then, A & B proceeded to berate me saying that you haven't studied anything, etc, etc, etc. He then asked me to tell him any named reaction. I said "I don't know any." (I'm going to study OC guys, don't berate me in the comments please.) They made fun of me for some more time. Then, B asked me what chapter I had perfected. I said "Coordination Compounds" (I studied PC too but didn't want to risk being asked a formula or electrochemical series). He asked me to write a Coordination compound and find it's oxidation state, coordination number, hybridisation and geometry. I wrote [Pt(NH4)2]Cl2. I found out the Oxidation state and Coordination number. Before solving further, B asks me if Coordination compounds show colour in their natural state or aqueous state. I said aqueous state (Because they form coordination Compounds in water). Then, B asked me the reason behind it. I drew atomic shells with electrons in it. I gave my explanation - When a photon of suitable energy hits an electron, the electron gets excited and releases a photon (I realised a mistake now. It releases the photon when it de-excites. I hope A & B didn't notice it.). This photon has a certain wavelength and we see the characteristic colour of the coordination compound associated with this wavelength.
A - What is Ether?
Me - Can I reply in Hindi?
A - Sure. But, how will you say Aldehydes, Ketones, Alkyl, Carbon, etc. in hindi?
Me - Oh... (After 15 seconds). An Ether is a group of compounds created by joining two carbon groups with an oxygen atom.
A - Not Carbon chain, but, rather Alkyl groups.
Me - Sorry, sir.
A - You don't even know Hydrocarbon properly. Do you even know what a hydrocarbon is? It's carbon with hydrogen. You can't just mistake Carbon group with Alkyl. Do you know the difference between Hydrogen and Proton?
Me - Hydrogen - (got cut off)
A - Write it down!
Me - Okay... (Writes hydrogen- and P- on paper)
A - What? You think that we don't know the spelling of Hydrogen? You think you're smart?
Me - Sorry... (Completed writing proton. Writes this: Hydrogen- 1p, 1e, Proton-1p)
A - Are you writing a chemical reaction? Write the difference!
Me - Sorry.....
Then, both of them told me that I am not ready for JEE (I admit that I am not. I'm going to try regardless.). Then, they said that I am wasting my parent's money by not studying, I should study, My syllabus is incomplete, etc, etc, etc. Water started coming out of my eyes. I couldn't hold it anymore. I removed my specs and wiped my eyes. They kept scolding me. I took it for a few more minutes and I started sobbing. They told me to go. I immediately went to the bathroom and cried for 2-3 minutes... My friend came to bring me back to the lab on A's orders. I went back to the lab after washing my face and they scolded me again for entering without their permission... I said sorry, took my stuff and left quickly to my classroom. I drank some water and kept crying... A came in class. He told me that he didn't like that I cried infront of him and it's going to affect my internal marks. He told me to stop crying, smile and get "normal". He told a classmate of mine to hangout with me for 6 minutes and make me "normal" again and went back to the lab...
Then, my classmate and I went outside the class and talked for a while. He told me that A just wanted to get a reaction out of me and I gave it to him. He told me I should've kept my head down if I didn't know the answer. I was treated unfairly. A asked my friends very easy 1-3 questions. For example, the formula for mole fraction. I just felt angry, disappointed and a whirlpool of emotions. After a few minutes, I called down and smiled forcefully when A came back in the class again. Luckily, A was summoned back to the lab and he told me to meet him after class. I quickly rushed home after class. That's my first day at board practicals. Tomorrow is Physics.
TLDR - Got treated unfairly by my own chemistry teacher in Board practicals and ended up crying after making silly mistakes and getting scolded and insulted over them, along with incomplete syllabus.