Do Palestinians really want a 2 states solutions?

This amazing video I've watched a few years ago reappeard in my youtube feed, and it made me think about sharing it with you guys.
*EDIT: I understand the PragerU is controversial, I don't try to promote PragerU, just wanted to share with you this specific video.

Basically, the Palestinians rejected any offer for a 2 states solution, even one that offered them 80% (!) of the land, as shown in the video. Also, Palestinians committed terror attacks even before the state of Israel was established, for example:

Even during the Egyptian occupation of Gaza and the Jordanian occupation of the West Bank, from 1949 to 1967, the Palestinians claimed that Israelis are occupying them and committed terror attacks, murdering Israelis. Actually, the PLO was established in 1964 (when Israel had nothing to do with Gaza and the West Bank), to counter "Israeli occupation", violently of course.

On top of that, regarding current events, only 5% of Palestinians consider the 7th Octboer massacre as a war crime.

Let alone that Israel completely left Gaza 20 years ago, to let the Palestinians manage their own lives, and it resulted only in terror. And the famous "from the river to the sea" which is basically a chant for the anhilation of Israel (open google maps if you dont already know about it).

There are more points which IMO proves that although Palestinians claim that they want a 2 states solution, and want to live peacfully next to their Jewish neighbors, they don't. *obiously there are many peaceful Palestinians who just want to live their lives, Im talking about the Palestinians as a collective group of people.

If you guys have other explanation for all of this, please let me know 😀