Education in Iowa needs your help!

Education in Iowa, whether it be K-12 or higher education, need your help. This isn’t a Left vs right issue. This affects us ALL and if you care about the quality of education and the future of Iowans you should take the time to read the proposals for education changes across the state.

Executive orders being passed to dictate how higher education is being taught:

Citizenship tests being a requirement to graduate:

Lowering standards for homeschooled kids, removing requirements for science and history, and increase in the money you get if you choose to homeschool

The kicker is the individuals making these bills have not consulted any experts in education and think they know best. 15 bills proposed to address changes in higher education (see gazette link to reference) with no one stepping in to say that this can and will greatly harm Iowans and anyone that chooses to come to iowa for an education, whether that be for K-12 or college.

What can we do? How can we fight this? I don’t have kids, but as a UIowa Alum I refuse to let these hooligans make detrimental changes to education with no expert knowledge in anything related to education