[IWantOut] 40F developer/developer marketing US -> Mexico
Hi there,
I am starting to research moving to Mexico if things continue to get worse here in the United States. I am currently in the Bay Area in California, so I might be okay staying here, but just in case ...
I am considering Mexico because my mom was born there, so I could get citizenship via ancestry. Unfortunately, I do not speak Spanish (my parents felt pressured to assimilate), but it's not unfamiliar to me, and I know I could pick it up quickly. I have connections to Mexico via friends and family that I think could make landing there easier.
I am starting a new job in March that is remote, so being able to stay in PST would also be helpful.
I have some concerns regarding obtaining my ADHD medication not only because it's a controlled medication but because -- as I understand from my admittedly very cursory research -- of a manufacturing contract. The medication is Vyvanse (or generic). Is my understanding correct that I wouldn't be able to get this medication there?
My other concern is admittedly kinda silly but important to me: What are the ski/snowboard resorts like?
I'm single. It would be just me and my senior pug (if he lives that long 😅). Which cities would be good for us? Is this even feasible? What is your experience like?
Thank you for reading and I appreciate your response.