Which are the characters you think could fight the Eevie ?

According to Shin DXD Vol 4's Life Life. END Those who bring destruction the Eevie's Army got this Power's Levels:

If compared to the Earth’s powerful beings, the [Keito Tenkai]’s strength was Great Red-class, and their Primes [Atrocity Fanatics] ranged from Chief Gods of each mythology to Maou-class. As for the strength of [Ragou Shichou], the strongest one had a power exceeding Great Red, and the lower-ranked ones were Chief God-class. Their Primes [Invade Fanatics]’s strength ranged from Maou-class to Dragon King-class. And the Three Evil Gods of [Evie Etoulde], including Invincible Devastator Regalzeva, were far more powerful than that.

Since some Eevie are in the leagues of Dragon King and Maou so Cao Cao, Tobio, Sairoarg, Rias, Strada, Arthur and Dulio could handle them.

Among those Eevie who are said to be in God Chief's Class there could be someone which its power can be in the Top 10. Maybe the strongest of them can be a match for Heavenly Dragons and High Tier Hindu Gods like Indra and Shiva.

The Eevie said be in GR's Level maybe can be a future opponent for Verrine and Balberith in the case Ishi choice to avoid give continuing with Shin DXD Vol 4's Nerf and let them get stronger.

Who in your opinion beside Issei and Vali can have a 1 vs 1 fights again Eevie's Individuals ?

Which characters you would see fighting them ?