Looking to but a 490 pro

Hi. I have the hd599 se and love them, but I think it’s time for an upgrade. Mu budget is arround 360€. I have been looking at rx-70, hd600/650, editon xs and 490 pro.

The rx-70 seem to be the best for sound stage, hd600 for vocals and edition xs for clarity. The 490 pro seem to be a mixture of the three.

I am inclined to the 490 pro for a few reasons: I’m a bit of a sennheiser fanboy It seems to be the most comfortable Love the design It’s fairly easy to drive

I know that the hifiman would be a better value for money, but I heard a lot of not so good stories about them. I want some headphones that would last me a long time.

I will be using the headphones for a ling time. About 10h a day, as I am doing with the 599.

I want the headphones to be comfortable, have a good clarity and instrument separation, big sound stage and decent imaging.

As I said I have the 599 for daily driver and 7hz zero red for running and travelling.

Is the 490 pro a good upgrade? Or should I choose others?