Thoughts/Opinions on "Range Rover" style one piece Chevy headlights

Come across these every time I go looking for new headlights, always thought it was a strange idea in the first place. Like, I see what they're going for, the round-eye headlights are obviously mimicking the Range Rover of the time (last pic for reference), but it just did not come out well in my opinion (and they appear to fit poorly too, even in the marketing material). Plus, the grille has to be changed and their selection I've seen is... different to say the least.

03-07 lights seemed to go in a completely different direction which I think works much better, but it still almost looks cheaper than the split system? Idk, they also don't make a GMC equivalent which I thought was interesting.

What do we think? Has anyone even seen these in the wild or, dare I say done well?