Help…29F PCOS

I’ve been on topical 5% minoxidil for about a year. I’ve seen very little improvement. I feel like my crown just won’t grow new hair bc I notice more growth toward the middle/back of scalp.

I’ve always had thin hair but the last couple years it’s gotten soooo bad. 29(F) PCOS. I’m sure I have AGA. I’m sure it’s genetics my dad has male pattern baldness and my mom has thin hair.

(First pics taken April 2024)

  • vitamin d
  • Mary Ruths Liquid vitamins (first bottle)
  • Mary Ruths Hair Growth max liposomal (first bottle)
  • pumpkin seed oil (first bottle/oral)
  • Oil hair with Golab hair growth oil 2x week although not very consistent
  • micro needle once a week sometimes every other week
  • 3 PRP session (saw no progress)