£750k milestone achieved.

Afternoon, graph hounds!

Now that we’ve breached £750k in net worth, I thought it was a good time for an update. This is a joint net worth graph covering both my partner and me.


  • Retirement: I (M early 40s) plan to fully retire at 55, and my wife (F Mid 30) also aims to retire at 55. She is 5 years younger than me.
  • Inflation & Growth Assumptions:
    • Both DB pensions: Both are CPI-linked, so they will track inflation.
    • House price: Assumed to remain static, as any growth wouldn’t affect our financial plans—it’s only included to show mortgage debt decreasing over time.
    • Mortgage repayment rate: Stays at 4.2%.
    • Investment Growth: SIPP & Stocks & Shares ISA grow at 3% per year. (7% growth -4% Inflation), I need to know how many Freddos i can buy in 2050.
    • Very little held in cash, so not much inflation worries there.
  • Income & Expenses:
    • No significant pay rises expected (due to the nature of our jobs).
    • Childcare expenses are behind us, thank Zeus' beard.
    • SIPP & ISA contributions remain at current levels.

Financial Events:

  • 2022: Received a £50k gift, which was used to reduce the mortgage.
  • 2025: Received a £30k gift, kicked start S&S and chipped away at mortgage.

Future Considerations:

Potential Purchase of a 'Forever House': Future plans may be disrupted by the potential purchase of our forever home, which could double the mortgage and significantly affect our net worth projections.

Current Financial Situation:

  • Household income: ~£75k (1.6 FTE jobs)
  • Two kids, mortgage in place

