Dropped MOTN at 9w pp…

I feel great. I dropped my MOTN pump two days ago at 9w pp because baby had consistently been sleeping at least 7hours straight overnight since 7 weeks. (I’m blessed, but daytime naps have gone to shit)

I go from 10pm-6am and I am rock hard when I wake up but the uninterrupted sleep is so good I feel like a new woman!

I am an over-supplier (produce around 55oz and baby drinks 20-25ish) so I guess that’s why I felt I could drop a pump even though my MOTN is my largest pump. I know I’m still early to be dropping pumps but I’m hoping my supply will be okay.

Anyone have experience with dropping their MOTN so early- what was your experience and would you advise that so add it back until 12w pp?

Also what’s the most amount of milk my baby will end up drinking do you think?