young boy in recurring dream

ever since i was 7 (im 20, for context) ive seen a young blonde boy in my dreams and i really don't know what to make of it! here's some context. what do you all think??

  • i'm never scared of him
  • i would say he's about 6-7, i've never seen his face but he has golden blonde hair
  • he's always wearing the same pair of white and blue stripy pajamas
  • he always sits parallel to my banisters (stair case) facing towards my bathroom
  • in one dream i was in the bath and my dad came in and told me to get out of the bath as he (the boy) needed to get in
  • one night i walked to the bathroom half asleep and i saw him sat in his normal place on my landing

someone explain pls, thank you!!👍🏼