Thinking of Upgrading Switch

Hi DLV friends!

I am seriously considering getting a regular Switch this weekend to upgrade from my ol’ reliable Switch Lite. Ol’ Reliable isn’t so reliable anymore. My left joycon is beginning to stick and it’s causing interruptions every time I am trying to run through my valley. I also want a bigger screen. My question though is that there does not appear to be an SD card in it. Would my cloudsave transfer to a new device pretty seamlessly? I’m very nervous to lose my 800+ hours in the game, I would absolutely cry lol. I’m sure someone’s switched their consoles so I wanted to ask in here. :)

Also, RIP to my stickers :’).

Hi DLV friends!

I am seriously considering getting a regular Switch this weekend to upgrade from my ol’ reliable Switch Lite. Ol’ Reliable isn’t so reliable anymore. My left joycon is beginning to stick and it’s causing interruptions every time I am trying to run through my valley. I also want a bigger screen. My question though is that there does not appear to be an SD card in it. Would my cloudsave transfer to a new device pretty seamlessly? I’m very nervous to lose my 800+ hours in the game, I would absolutely cry lol. I’m sure someone’s switched their consoles so I wanted to ask in here. :)

Also, RIP to my stickers :’).