Possible Countermeasures to Toxicity
Hey everyone,
Toxicity is a recurring issue and I have a few ideas to tackle it and would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions as well!
1. Limit the number of wards/sentries a player can carry
Currently, you can buy 4 wards and 8 sentries, but there’s no limit on how many a player can hold. When a player has 5+ wards in their inventory (I'm saying wards, nor wards or sentrys, idk how 100% of people that commented got it wrong lol), it’s often trolling. I suggest capping the number of wards/sentries a player can carry to avoid this.
2. Penalize ward/sentry stacking in the same spot
If a ward or sentry shares more than 60% of its vision range with another, it should automatically deduct behavior points, especially if placed in the base. The more wards/sentries stacked, the greater the penalty.
3. Penalize ward/sentry not used for +x time on the inventory
Like after 5 minutes of holding the wards and not using them, you're being harmfull to the team
4. AFK penalties
If a player is AFK for 3-5 minutes more than 3 times, it should count as an abandonment. The current 5-minute grace period is high enough, but after 3 instances, it’s clearly harming the team.
What do you think? Any other ideas to add? Let's discuss!