I really suck at operations/extraction. Any tips?

Delta Force is a lot of fun to me. I'm not that bad at war mode and I started to get along with the mechanics and game play during the past ~2 weeks. Like it 👍

So I decided to try out operations a few days ago. Oh boy did that become a love-hate relationship.

Never played extraction games before. PUBG, COD and so on were never smth I was interested in.

Honestly: before DF I never ever played extraction modes. I feel so fragile and have no idea on how to make a match. From the ~ 30 matches I extracted maybe 4-5 times. This is quite frustrating, especially when you just wanna play a bit after work.

I've learned to be patient. Listen to your environment. STAY AWAY FROM OTHER PLAYERS. I really don't care for other players. I just wanna complete my objectives (playing solo) and collect some decent loot. Just get to some f*cking extraction point without being shot from a dude hiding behind a barrel 58m away.

Whenever I encounter a human player (unintentional) I lose. Like I'm shot in an instant. No matter how good my armour is, no matter the distance, no matter what weapon is used. I just get messed up every time. Usually its 1-2 headshots and several more hits to the body.

I'm LVL16 in operations and I'm still figuring out Zero Damm. Played with medic and recon. Had zero (knife only) and full equipment (600k).

I really don't seem to wrap my head around this game mode.

Definitely not saying that other players cheat. But I feel (=know) I don't have the gazillion years of experience in this game mode apparently.

Maybe you guys are gonna roast me. Go for it. If so, do it I really don't care.

But maybe some of you also have a few valuable tips for a real newcomer into this genre?

Maybe provide some wrap-your-brain-around-tips for somebody who is struggling to understand?

cheers ✌️

EDIT: played in a squad. got shot by this dude in a close range firefight that lasted about 5 seconds.

I'm counting 166 dmg to his chest armor. Is that actually even possible? The best vest in listings I can find has 125 protection.

Please let me understand...
