Fun run today

Had a fun run today on official EU. As per usual I do the northern loot route leading to Kamensk (I rarely seem to get a South Coast spawn). Having looted from the garages back to the tents, I head back out at the garages towards Kamensk town when I see a duo aggro Zeds by the garages. There was an M3S parked up at the garages which I didn't notice early on, so I'm thinking these guys are going to be mega geared. I took them both out with a crafty grenade throw and a burst from my M16. They turned out to be not so geared and the M3S had just spawned there and wasn't operational! Still, nice to get my first duo kill.

I headed over to the convoy spawn south of Tisy. It wasn't there. Running down just offcthe road I hear a vehicle approaching. It was a Humvee! I open fire on them from the front. The horn starts constantly sounding so I'm thinking I've killed the driver. The Humvee starts to smoke so I'm thinking it's ruined. The Humvee stops some ways down the road and two guys get out. They are geared. I pull out my blaze and fire off a shot but I missed. Panicking, I run into the bush, pop an Epi, and bukk it into the woods. I'm running low on 5.56 now so I've got to be defensive. Get to the edge of the woods and sit and wait for a few mins. Stalked around for a short while and I get eyes on one of them creeping through the woods. I take aim and miss. They've seen me and bullets are heading in my direction. I got taken out whilst trying to toss a grenade at them. I think back to what I could have done differently. I should have thrown a grenade at their vehicle when it was evident they were going to stop and get out! Back to the coast with my heart racing....