Evil party campaign for a first time DM?


My friends and I are about to finish our second DnD campaign, we've had a different DM from outside our group of friends for each and they've both been great but now I'm going to give it a shot.

Our party often tends to go a bit evil/chaotic despite when they have supposedly "good" characters. So I thought that for the campaign I run I could try a campaign where they're an evil group and can run about killing, burning and pillaging as much as they like.

I was originally going to run a campaign from a book for this first campaign though while I'm still learning the finer points of DMing. But I don't know if there's any pre-written campaigns that fit this bill.

Are there any campaign books that could be tweaked slightly to fit this requirement? Or would I need to look at making my own campaign for this?

My friends also like the idea of a more "hardcore" DnD. Our DMs in the past have been pretty lenient and said things like "are you sure you wanna do that?" if they think we're about to screw up. They've said they'd like it more if they deal with consequences if they screw up rather than being told beforehand. I think this could work well with an evil party, the "good guys" they're versing then likely wouldn't be out for blood but would cature/imprison them etc. That way they wouldn't have to constantly be making new characters but could still "screw up" without me warning them.