Design Contest | Week 29: Holidays
Welcome to Week 29!
Previous Contest: Design Contest | Week 28: Healing.
Next Contest: Design Contest | Week 30: Celestial/Invoke.
Last week's contest was for a card that heals or restores health, with the secondary challenge being an aggressive card. The main winner's card is Ebb & Flow by u/Owen_Eli, an interesting flexible but conditional card. The best Aggressive card was Scarbutcher Skrag by u/Revlid, very flavourful and a very creative way of making a card that heals fit best in a proactive tempo deck. Congratulations to both winners!
Our runner ups are: Scarmender for best card by u/ArgonArbiter, and Crystal Pulse for best aggressive card by u/Lightnin0.
Contest Changes
From now on, we'll have the Contest Winner flairs signify which contests you have won. If you want to have your Custom Winner flair updated, DM me with the links to previous contests you have won so I can change it!
The voting will be done through a Google Form from now on. Submissions will be submitted through the subreddit thread still, but will be collected and posted on the form for voting. Upvotes and downvotes will no longer matter for who wins.
The submission deadline will be Wednesday 12pm EST, after which the form for voting will be posted. The results will then be posted on Friday alongside the next contest.
There will now be a secondary winning category, for a challenge or restriction that goes alongside the original rules as well. Whoever wins this category will receive a flair the same way the regular winner does. The secondary award is only optional, so don't worry about making your card fit it if you don't want to! Remember that main prompt/rules still apply for a card going for the secondary award as well.
Winners will no longer receive Reddit Gold and the numbered flair will be the only reward as of now.
Contest 29: Holidays
For this week, your job is to make a card that's themed around the holidays! This is a broad category this time around, so feel free to try anything out as long as it feels like a holiday-themed card.
This week's secondary award is Best Non-Freljord Winter Card. It'd make sense for other regions to have winter seasons, but so far Frejlord is the only region with snow related cards. It'll be tricky to try and do this award and having your card still fit your non-frejlord region!
This week's Main Rules: Holiday-themed Card.
This week's Secondary Award: Best Non-Freljord Winter Card.
How to Participate:
Create your own card using LoR Card Maker, and then share the card here in the comments in image form (either directly or as a link to a post). You can leave a brief description of your card on the comment of your submission. Good luck!
Other info:
Submissions must be sent before Wednesday 12PM EST.
Contest begins/ends on Friday.
Submission must be in image form.
Follow the main category/theme of the week.
Only one submission per week.
Give credit where credit is due, both to artists and sources of inspiration.
No down-voting submissions please.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions, contact us directly via mod mail. Thank you.