Applying in Canada - do I have a shot?

I’m looking to apply to clinical psychology with a focus in neuropsychology in the next cycle but reading through these threads is a little discouraging (a shared experience I’m sure).

I’ve graduated with a BSc in behavioural neuroscience and a 4.0 GPA. I’ve got experience with research in a behavioural neurogenetics lab for two years and a semester of research with a neuroimaging lab (linking fMRI patterns to populations with mental illness). Ive received a research grant to pursue full time research, some of which will result in a publication this fall. I have also received several scholarships.

My main concern is that my research isn’t within a relevant field. I’m in the process of reaching out to researchers to work with them in the fall but I was wondering if anyone else has experience switching research streams like this? Do I have a shot?