Hot Take: We are Responsible

We were born into a world where a uniquely evil crime is occurring.
It's not our fault, but I believe the moral obligation to stop it rests with us. Because who else will?

We are obligated to get our shit together. Obligated to squeeze out every last drop of potential we have.

The scale of what we're up against is staggering, and it will be a losing battle for the foreseeable future, but we can still save many real children from being tortured and permanently defiled. That matters, and we have a responsibility to do all we can.

The special extremeness of this crime puts everything else in a totally different context. Nothing else really matters—not fairness, not our personal suffering, and not even the perpetrators facing justice. All that matters is stopping the bleeding.

This is gonna sound like cope, but I think an unquestionable purpose being thrust upon me is a blessing. For me, while I've never been truly depressed, I didn't care whatsoever if I lived or died for the past few years. Intellectually I had just lead myself into nihilism about everything due to my health issues and really bad circumstances growing up (unrelated to circumcision). Like I almost died a couple times going 120MPH off exit ramps, and I didn't care one bit and did it again. Now, my mentality has completely shifted—I am paranoid of dying before I can have a big impact, and I've realized the vital necessity of salvaging my talents and potential. I'm in this life for the long haul.

Post traumatic growth is a real thing, and this isn't some "hEReS hOw iTS AcTuAlly Good yOu WerE mUTilated" type of thing, nah, it's more of a "don't lay down and die" type of thing. We must fight back against this horrible crime. I feel we have no choice in the matter. Just like the billions of cells in our body give their lives for us, healing our wounds, battling invaders 100x their size, etc. all without questioning their duty. Crazy, but seeing what the cells of my body do for me was a humbling and spiritual experience that also lead to me valuing my life more. Even the ones attacking my own tissues are doing their best (they're just a little dumb).