People sometimes upset me
Like most of us, posts from subs we don't follow pop up in my FYP all the time. Well today, there was a post about intactivism in a feminism subreddit that I came across. While I disagree with what the OP said in that post (that MRAs hurt the intactivism cause), I could shrug my shoulders and move on with my life. The comments, however...
So many of them were talking about how MGM can't be compared to FGM, that it would hurt women's causes, that FGM (and not MGM) is done as a way to control women's sexuality and that MGM is just for hygiene, that MGM isn't actually physically harmful, just that it's a violation of bodily autonomy. One person even posted a link that said "male circumcision" is a BENEFIT (specifically for white males) of the "Patriarchy".
I shouldn't let flippant remarks made by people who clearly don't know what they're talking about to get to me so badly, but they put me in a funk for most of the day. It hurts to see just how little people care about the mutilation of little boys, and how little they care about the trauma we face as adults because of it