Why abstain from meat during Lent but not fish?
Why not simply be vegetarian?
Isn't fish meat. Isn't seafood meat, even if it's some species are closer to insects, they're still animals, it's still meat.
If it is for spiritual disciple and self sacrifice, wouldn't seafood be contradictory considering that (depending on the region) it is luxurious, of a higher status, more expensive, tastier and has more properties, like Omega 3 than red meat pork or chicken.
Wouldn't going vegetarian be a more reasonable option?
Is it actually important or is it just symbolic and self disciplinary?
Why does it matter?
Why not simply be vegetarian?
Isn't fish meat. Isn't seafood meat, even if it's some species are closer to insects, they're still animals, it's still meat.
If it is for spiritual disciple and self sacrifice, wouldn't seafood be contradictory considering that (depending on the region) it is luxurious, of a higher status, more expensive, tastier and has more properties, like Omega 3 than red meat pork or chicken.
Wouldn't going vegetarian be a more reasonable option?
Is it actually important or is it just symbolic and self disciplinary?
Why does it matter?