NFP Question
Hey All,
I am a cradle Catholic that fell away for 15 years. My wife and I were civilly married for a couple years before getting married in the church. My wife converted a year after our Catholic wedding.
While we started the NFP classes while in pre-cana, my wife's (and mine too tbh) initial reaction to NFP wasn't super supportive as we thought it was pretty unlikely that we would be able to stay on top of tracking. Now I've been interested in Marquette method, and have paid for the course twice now in the last 2 years, but we just cant find time to go through all of it (we have three kids under 4 years old and essentially every minute of the day is spent working, or taking care of the kids).
I have two questions related to NFP and would be sooooo grateful for any answers to this.
For Marquette specifically, WHY IN THE WORLD can't we just have instructions for the method. Why do we need a course, why do we need to learn about the old way of tracking. Why isn't there just a PDF with the rules of what to do??
If breastfeeding and without a period, does Marquette REALLY work, or am I better off just abstaining entirely until we are through the breastfeeding phase and my wife gets her period back.
My wife and I have stopped going to mass for the last 5 months since our last baby was born because we just never tackled how to actually do NFP, and considering we are in a state of mortal sin for using withdrawal method, we get nothing out of going to mass. I desperately want to go back, but hate that NFP with today's technology (Marquette method) isn't just some very simple rules. I know, we are weak, but part of it is that my wife thinks its somewhat ridiculous, and its hard to get her on board with the entire thing even though she is Catholic.