Not aggressive enough for a 529 college fund?

I got to looking at my 4th graders 529 Fund and I'm not sure I even like it. 45% bonds and essentially a 50/50 split for domestic and international. Do any of you tinker a bit on these in Fidelity? Personally, I at least want to make it a bit more of the 80/20 split for the stock portion on the domestic/international.

Edit: Thanks to everyone for the advice/thoughts. I went ahead and made a change. I kept 10% in bonds, 75% SNP 500 Index, and 15% International Index. Crystal ball on if it will be better in the long run or not, but I am much happier with this allocation than the TDF assigned one. I do think as he approaches college I will increase the bond percentage by 5% or so each year.