Picky boy - need recommendations
My 5 year old beardie the pickiest eater. I'm not sure if this is common, I feel like I've seen so many videos of other beardies going to town on whatever is put in front of him. He also goes through phases. He'll be obsessed with turnip greens then never wants to touch them. Dubia roaches- then doesn't care. Something that's consistent for him is blue berries, which I don't always want to feed him because I know that's considered "junk" food for them. I've tried brussel sprout leaves, bok choy, bell peppers, dandelions, thawed out frozen veggies, even cooked (no butter or seasoning) scrambled eggs! There are so many other things I've tried that I'm just not remembering right now as I make this late night post. Anyway, I would love recommendations from anyone who also struggles with a picky beardie
My 5 year old beardie the pickiest eater. I'm not sure if this is common, I feel like I've seen so many videos of other beardies going to town on whatever is put in front of him. He also goes through phases. He'll be obsessed with turnip greens then never wants to touch them. Dubia roaches- then doesn't care. Something that's consistent for him is blue berries, which I don't always want to feed him because I know that's considered "junk" food for them. I've tried brussel sprout leaves, bok choy, bell peppers, dandelions, thawed out frozen veggies, even cooked (no butter or seasoning) scrambled eggs! There are so many other things I've tried that I'm just not remembering right now as I make this late night post. Anyway, I would love recommendations from anyone who also struggles with a picky beardie