A question about the “power amp modeling” setting!
Hi guys, I am a new user to the axe fx 2. I am going from output 1 at the back of the unit into my Scarlett 2i2, which is plugged into USB of my computer. So the path is axe fx > interface > DAW
My question : is the “power amp modeling” within the “global” settings completely necessary to have on with this kind of setup? Since I am not using an actual amp I had initially assumed this would be necessary, but I honesty feel like many tones are better with the setting off, and the settings within the amp block when you page over to the power amp still seem to function without it, like changing the tube type, where as my initial thought was that having the power amp modeling turned off would bypass all of the settings.
Sorry if this is a dumb question. On another note, the unit sounds seriously incredible, probably the best tones I have ever played.