How concerned should I be about my cat?
About 6 months ago, my 11 year old male (neutered) cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. My vet started him on methimazole and we got him to the right dosage to maintain his thyroid levels. Yesterday he had follow up blood work and his T4 looks good but his WBC and ALT liver values were mildly elevated. His kidney numbers are good. He also lost almost a pound in the course of about two months give or take. Our vet recommended having the blood work done and weight checked again in 2-3 months and go from there.
Oh and my adventuresome indoor cat escaped our house for a few nights while we were away in October, apparently got into a cat fight because (after he came running home as we pulled into our driveway) we found scabs from being clawed and bitten and ended up limping from one of his hind legs for over a week. He was put on an antibiotic and an anti inflammatory by our vet for that and seemed to recover ok.
He also is on a prescription diet for past urinary issues, if that matters.
I love this guy so much and he’s really put me through the emotional ringer this past year especially, keeping me guessing how long his 9 lives will be lasting.
I appreciate any input so I’m not just constantly googling for the next couple of months.