Hi everyone. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right sub for this question but I'm looking for any insight to help me understand. So I started seeing this guy a year ago next month and the first like 6 months we had a VERY active sex life... 2 or 3 times a day. Now I know it's new and exciting in the beginning and tends to show down. Well a month or 2 into the relationship I started to notice that he was like always aroused and would find little ways to satisfy himself... Like press up against something, or lean down to apply pressure acting as if he's picking something up or whatever. I didn't pay much attention to it. But over time it's gotten much much worse. It's almost like he can't control the urge or it's painful. Our sex life has gotten less and less and he avoids being around me.. Even when we lay down at night to go to bed he's got his duck tucked between his legs and squeezing to get himself off and his breathing gives it away entirely. He used to get mad if I was in the shower too long or doing stuff elsewhere in the house bc he wanted me to be in the room with him and now if I'm in one room he's in another, if I walk into the room he's in her walks out. And I know it's because of this persistent need to satisfy himself. Of course he denies any of it is happening and gets extremely defensive and angry when I try to talk to him about it. Either way I can't keep living like this because it's breaking my heart and making me feel unwanted, not good enough, unloved. I love him but if he won't exec admit it is happening he won't get the help he needs to fix it. And it would be different if he just had a low sex drive but the fact that he had an overactive sex drive but rather fuck himself than me is what's getting me. Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this? Am I overreacting or are my feelings justified?