From state school to getting into a Princeton PhD, AMA!
*Throwaway account*
Hi A2C,
I remember being heavily involved in this subreddit when I first applied to colleges as a high school senior.
I remember being apart of the hype of wanting to get into a prestigious university, such as an ivy league or somewhere else equally as crazy. Come decision days, I got rejected from every undergraduate university I applied to (including my dream school) except two schools, and I remember feeling really devastated, especially after getting perfect grades, doing crazy extracurriculars, and getting a good SAT score all throughout high school.
I ended up attending my state school, which I do not regret in the slightest. It was a good fit for me and I had a fantastic experience and education I knew I wouldn't get anywhere else :). Both my bachelor's and master's degrees are representative of a good education and I have had incredible research, internship, and scholarship experiences at my state school.
I applied to PhD programs this past fall, and got into Princeton.
I know this is an anxiety-inducing time, and I remember being in your shoes five years ago. I'd like to help ease any anxiety and answer your questions regarding being a college student and/or going from my state school to getting into a Princeton PhD program.
Hang in there A2C, you guys are doing fantastic!
A former A2Cer and incoming PhD student