Creeped out a co-worker with fake laugh.
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
An antipsychotic given to me 43 years ago for 4 months, among other things, took away much of my ability to express normal human emotions through facial expressions, smiling, laughter, etc.
While at work a few days ago there was a coworker I had not formally introduced myself to yet. So I did that and immediately felt extremely self conscious about my lack of expression. I started talking in a halting, nervous, stiff way. I could tell from my coworkers body language that she was very nervous and probably creeped out. At one point I tried to elicit a laugh but it came out in the most fake creepy way that my skin crawls now when thinking about it.
I'm horrified about encountering her again. I'm actually wondering if it would be a good idea to tell her about my med experience as a way to explain it.