Reaching out when Sad

I am the kind of person that has gone through life just dealing with things by myself. I am the eldest sibling and have mental health problems (anxiety and depression) and I actively see a therapist but one thing I find SO hard to do is reach out to friends/family when I am sad or having a hard time. I mean growing up I wasn’t listened too much or mocked for being sensitive so reaching out to family doesn’t sit well. I know I could reach out to friends - they aren’t judgemental but… it just feels dumb to reach out? Do I send a text just saying “hey I’m pretty sad and crying rn, not sure why just wanted to share” I don’t see what good it does to do that or how it could be helpful when I know I can just deal with it myself and be fine in a couple hours/the next day. Do others struggle with this? I know it’s not healthy and fuck I would love to have support - I do have support - I just prevent myself from getting it.