Kevlar farm?

So in one of the recenr patches, they made it so the Security and Mountaineer armour sets now use Kevlar scrap to repair. It makes sense seeing as how Security armour is kind of like tactical SWAT gear used by the GATE defence team, and the Mountaineer set is military winter gear for The Order.

How have you guys been farming for Kevlar? Personally I made a small outpost right where the Voussoir portal is, and I always go there to farm The Order’s Mountaineer soldiers. I generally am able to get 20 Kevlar each time the perforation reset.

Another place is towards the end of the Security Sector, in the storage area with a bunch of reinforced crates and 2 of the Reapers. Generally Ive been able to get around 20 Kevlar from there aswell.

Lastly is basically farming GK Neophytes, Chieftains, and Jutons but they dont seem to be as economical as the previous two methods. Neophytes and Chieftains only drop 1 per body harvest, while Jutons drop 2.

Neo and Chiefs are easy to kill just by using Hardlight shield to reflect all their shots to kill them. Jutons are ok to fight 1v1 as long as you either have a fully charged Deatomizer or an acid weapon like the Quill rifle or Squid gun, but there is that one Juton at Cloud Reactor who is accompanied by 2 Neophytes which can be kind of a pain to deal with, because the 2 Neos will bleed you while your trying to get behind cover to wait for the Juton to reload his gun.