AITH for asking an online friend who repeatedly told me they wanted to die to stop?

I (26M) have known this man (24M) (let's name him Charlie) for about 3 years. We met through a Discord server about a game, and have been talking regularly since then, both in private messages and in the Discord server itself. I have never met him in real life or seen his face.

About a year ago, Charlie got really depressed after failing his last Master year and had to redo his year from scratch. For context, he goes to a public school in Europe, so he doesn't have debt to worry about, but he is really down about wasting his time on another year, and has been stressed from all the deadlines he has to meet on projects. Since he got held back, his talks with me have gotten a lot more negative, he often talks about how much he hates himself.

A few months ago, I woke up to seeing 10 messages from Charlie overnight about wanting to kill himself. We got in voice chat and he told me he wasn't serious about it while crying, that he had been drinking and simply got emotional. This has happened two more times since then, the third time was a month ago, and I reacted badly, I told him seeing those messages made me feel awful, and that I felt like he was using me to vent his negative feelings out instead of going to a psychologist to get help and that I didn't want him to send me those kinds anymore.

We haven't talked since then, either in DMs or in the Discord server, but I got some DMs from other members of the server asking me if I hated Charlie, since he apparently told them in private he thought I hated him. I don't, but I have been dreading talking to Charlie since he started getting depressed.

Am I the asshole and was needlessly rude to someone in a bad mental place who needed someone to listen?