AITA for going against my boyfriends wishes

I(18F) have a boyfriend (18M) who almost broke up with me for painting my nails white. Well, he actually did break up with me but came by a day later begging for me back so we’re back together now. I’m curious to know what people think of the situation I’m about to describe. So, for context, my boyfriend is very serious about what I wear and how I present myself. He doesn’t like when I wear anything revealing and such, so I’ve been obliging to that as I don’t really dress that way anyways. I mentioned to him a few weeks ago that I wanted to get my nails done and I said I wanted the color white. I just like the color and how it looks on me, nothing more than that. But he was vehemently against it. He said that “white nails were for sluts and they mean a woman is single” I had never heard of this and I was pretty dead set on that color. Fast forward to my nail appointment and I got white nails. Not because he didn’t want me to, but because I had really been wanting white nails, and I thought it was ridiculous to assume that white nails were “for sluts”. When he found out, he was furious. He essentially said that I didn’t respect him or his boundaries and he couldn’t understand why I didn’t pick another color. I tried explaining that I don’t think he should dictate what color I paint my nails, and that the nail color theory he has constructed is only in his mind, and that I simply just really wanted white nails because I thought they were pretty. So yeah, he basically broke up with me for a night. Am I an asshole for this? Should I have just painted them a different color?